NF Mansion

8 Top NF Songs I Resonate with from MANSION


NF is my one of my best Rappers ever, his music flow and passion which some people relate to eminem’s energy. Most of his music is about his life, things he has passed through from childhood, his relationships, his demons, to how his love, faith and believe in God has help him overcome.

Mansion is NF’s debut album and his first album release off of Capitol records, which explores emotional tracks. It dives into deep topics about Nate’s personal life and struggles with epic beats.

NF Mansion

A combination of Macklemore and Drake’s flow along with Eminem’s energy.

Below are my favorites tracks from this album with lyrics that in a way personally speaks to my life either as an experience, a reality or a goal.

Mansion ft Fleurie

NF explains in his album promo video that his mind is a mansion. Every song on the album is a different emotion – a different story. NF reminisces on his past mistakes and memories. Each song on the album is a different room.


Insidious is blind inception

What’s reality with all these questions?

Feels like I missed my alarm and slept in

Slept in

Broken legs, but I chase perfection

These walls are my blank expression

My mind is a home I’m trapped in

And it’s lonely inside this mansion

Chorus: Fleurie

The mansion is Nate’s house, full of memories of his past. Each room is a different memory. Blank walls symbolize Nate’s blank face when he doesn’t know what to do, say, or think. When walls that have stuff on them (i.e., lyrics, holes, pain, etc.), this means that, as much as he would like to keep it locked inside, Nate has a lot to say about this room/memory. The more a room has in it, the more pain it causes him.

Yo, my mind is a house with walls, covered in lyrics

They’re all over the place, there’s songs in the mirrors

Written all over the floors, all over the chairs

And you get the uncut version of life when I go downstairs

That’s where I write when I’m in a bad place and need to release

And let out the version of NF you don’t wanna see

I put holes in the walls with both of my fists ’til they bleed

You might get a glimpse of how I cope with all this anger in me

Physically abused, now that’s the room that I don’t wanna be in

That picture ain’t blurry at all, I just don’t wanna see it

And these walls ain’t blank, I just think I don’t wanna see ’em

But why not? I’m in here, so I might as well read ’em

Verse 1

Since the mansion is a physical place, Nate wants to burn it down as a means of forgetting all the bad that has happened to him. He also wants to cover up his pain and problems with paint so that no one, including himself, can see them because he doesn’t think he’ll ever be able to properly clean them.

I gotta thank you for this anger that I carry around

Wish I could take a match and burn this whole room to the ground

Matter of fact, I think I’ma burn this room right now

Somehow, this memory, for some reason, just won’t burn down

You used to put me in the corner, so you could see the fear in my eyes

Verse 1

Yo, my mind is a house with walls, covered in pain

See, my problem is, I don’t fix things, I just try to repaint

Cover ’em up, like it never happened, say, “I wish I could change”

Verse 2

When someone or something has a room of their own in his mansion (mind), it means that he has issues that are unresolved with that person or thing. He tends to lock some of the doors so people can’t see what issues he deals with. This is most prevalent with the character of his fear.

Congratulations, you’ll always have a room in my mind

But I’ma keep the door shut and lock the lyrics inside

Verse 1

The deeper Nate goes inside his mansion, the darker things get. When he gets to the room (memory) of his mother, he has all of his regrets concerning her written on the walls. The first regret he has concerning her is he wishes he would have called her more often.

Are you confused? Come upstairs and I’ll show you what I mean

This room’s full of regrets, it just keeps getting fuller, it seems

The moment I walk into it’s the same moment that I wanna leave

I get sick to my stomach every time I look at these things

But it’s hard to look past when this is the room where I sleep

I look around, one of the worst things I wrote on these walls

Was the moment I realized that I was losing my mom

One of the first things I wrote was, “I wish I woulda called”

But I should just stop now, we ain’t got enough room in this song

And I regret the fact that I struggled trying to find who I am

And I lie to myself and say I do the best that I can

Shrug it off like it ain’t nothing, like it’s out of my hands

Then get ticked off whenever I see it affecting my plans

And I regret watchin’ these trust issues eat me alive

And at the rate I’m goin’, they’ll probably still be there when I die

Congratulations, you’ll always have a room in my mind

The question is, will I ever clean the walls off in time?

Verse 2

Nate has a fear of letting people inside his mansion as well as his life. He has lost so many people in his life to the point that it is hard for him to grasp the concept of and enjoy a relationship with someone. This is also why he locks his doors, to keep people out and to keep him to himself. This way, he can’t hurt anyone, including himself.

So this part of my house, no one’s been in it for years

I built a safe room and I don’t let no one in there

‘Cause if I do, there’s a chance that they might disappear

And not come back, and I admit, I am emotionally scared

To let anyone inside, so I just leave my doors locked

You might get other doors to open up, but this door’s not

‘Cause I don’t want you to have the opportunity to hurt me

And I’ll be the only person that I can blame when you desert me

I’m barricaded inside, so stop watchin’

I’m not coming to the door, so stop knockin’, stop knockin’

I’m trapped here, God keeps saying I’m not locked in

I chose this, I am lost in my own conscience

I know that shuttin’ the world out ain’t solvin’ the problem

But I didn’t build this house because I thought it would solve ’em

I built it because I thought that it was safer in there

But it’s not, I’m not the only thing that’s livin’ in here

Verse 3

The last and most personal thing Nate has in his mansion is his fear, which is an underlying theme throughout all of his music, not just this song. As much as he hates it, Nate can’t bring himself to attempt to get rid of fear for fear of what may or may not happen. He thinks it has had a room so long that it is a part of him.

Fear came to my house years ago, I let him in

Maybe that’s the problem, ’cause I’ve been dealing with this ever since

I thought that he would leave, but it’s obvious, he never did

He must have picked a room and got comfortable and settled in

Now I’m in a position, it’s either sit here and let ’em win

Or put him back outside where he came from, but I never can

‘Cause in order to do that, I’d have to open the doors

Is that me or the fear talking? I don’t know anymore

Verse 3

It’s lonely

Inside (Inside), inside (Inside)

It’s lonely (It’s lonely)

Oh, yeah, it’s lonely

Inside this mansion

Outro: NF & Fleurie

All I Have

On “All I Have,” NF expresses that he gives “all he has” when he creates his music. He expresses his emotions and raps about his faith in God and the work he put in to become a rapper. “All I Have” is the first single off of NF’s self-titled EP, NF. It also appeared on his debut album, Mansion.

This is NF’s first track after signing with Capitol Christian Music Group, which he signed with on April 2, 2014. The music video was released on July 15, 2014, and has accumulated over 18 million views. NF also performed this song at the 46th Dove Awards.


All I ever wanted was somebody to hear me

And all I ever wanted was somebody to feel me

And everybody wanna tell me that I’m out of my head

You’ve now entered in my mind

And you better get ready cause you might find

I’m from a different place, and my kind

It’s a little bit different than yours is

Wrote this with emotion

It’s hard to get a break when the doors ain’t open

It’s hard to get a shot when the gun ain’t loaded

And it’s hard to make a living when nobody wanna notice, hold it

What am I insane maybe? Plain crazy

Is not a character trait of mine, don’t wait in line

This is the current condition of my state of mind

Verse 1

Don’t tell me that this isn’t real

Don’t tell me this ain’t how I feel

This is all I have, all I have


All I ever wanted was somebody to get this

But that’s not the case, because most of the times—the artists you hear

You keep on thinking that artist is new, but that artist has prolly been at it for years

Yeah, in the back of my mind thinking, am I wasting my time dreamin’?

And I ain’t got no money in my wallet, but I guarantee there ain’t no way that I am gonna leave this

I need this, I swear to y’all, I need this

I’ve been a different person, don’t try to predict my verses

What you’re hearing now is me whether I’m in front or behind that curtain

I stand behind these words and, I’m a Christian but I’m not perfect

Don’t tell me to calm down, I’m calm now, listen, I’m just working

Yeah, it might take a minute to get it, but once you get it everything will be crystal clear

I don’t think they see my vision here, I don’t think they see my vision here!

Verse 2
All I have

Wake Up

“Wake Up” is NF’s message to people who are struggling with life. People can’t appreciate the good in life or fix the mistakes that they have made because they’re “sleeping”. This “coma” separates happiness from the life we have been given by God. The song, with the help of producer Tommee Profitt, gained the eyes of Capitol CMG, getting NF a spot as an artist, and Profitt a spot as a producer. This song was featured in a promo for NBC’s Chicago P.D.

The whole background behind the concept is two people that live completely different lives but feel the same.


He also said, later on:

What we’re trying to do here for the first scene—for the first character—is just show that even someone who has everything that the world would describe as what makes you happy: money, nice house, nice car, nice everything, basically… Even someone who has all of those things sometimes, like, that doesn’t make you happy.


In “Wake Up,” Nate talks about depression, chasing material things, daydreaming, and eeking through life.


You spend your life in a dream that you can’t escape

‘Cause you live your life in a coma, you’re never awake

If you’d open your eyes then maybe you’d see what’s at stake

You’re sleeping, you’re sleeping


You make a lot of money and you live in a mansion

And pretty much got everything that you could ever imagine

But you feel like even though you got everything in the world

You got nothing

So what you do then is you start going backwards

You runnin’ in a direction

And you lookin’ for something that isn’t real

And all you know is that you just gotta have it

What you’re doin’ is sleepin’

And thinking that you’re awake and you’re not

And the problem is that you don’t know what you’re after

So you put everything that you have into what you do

Hoping that one day maybe you don’t have to feel like you’re empty

But as you get older a lot of weight on your shoulders is getting heavy

Then you look back and you start to regret things

You only get one life

And every time you lookin’ at yours

You feel like everything you have is a waste!

And the problem and the reason you could never fill a hole in your life

Is because you were never awake

Verse 1

You spend your life in a dream that you can’t escape

‘Cause you live your life in a coma, you’re never awake


You wake up in the morning

But you feel like you never got up and go to work

And you feelin’ like you ain’t got a purpose

And you tryna get motivated but everything you do turns into a mess

Like you ain’t nothing but worthless

And, yo, you look around

A lot of these other people you lookin’ at

To you, you describe as perfect

So you point a finger at God and tell Him to do His job

And fix ya life up ’cause nothin’ is workin’!

And you will try to hide it and make it seem like it’s nothin’

But really you feel like everything is crashin’ around you

And you developed a problem in trusting in other people

Which later became an issue that would mentally pound you!

You only get one life

But every time you lookin’ at yours you feel like all you ever see are mistakes

And the problem and the reason you could never move forward in life

Is because you were never awake!

Wake up

Verse 2
Wake up

Face It

In “Face It,” NF candidly admits he is struggling with the problems he is going through in his life, including sin. He realises his tendency to be hypocritical when he doesn’t live out the words that he raps or sings, and this song allows him to remind the listener that he is just as imperfect as they are.

In an interview with Rapzilla, NF said:

When I write a song called ‘Face It,’ that could mean anything; I don’t know how to face anything. I think on this next record, there are some songs that really give you what’s going on with me. And people writing me stuff like that, there are a lot of parts in songs that have been influenced from statements like that.



Yeah, I ain’t sleeping lately

I ain’t sleeping lately

Yes I know that I’m the only person that can change me

Maybe, that’s why I ain’t changing

That’s why I ain’t changing

I got too much on my mind, I guess I don’t know how to face it

I just don’t know how to face it

I don’t know how to face it, yeah


I go through these mood swings

Watch everything slide down

I look at myself and I ask what the goal is (Goal is)

Yeah tell me what your goal is

I’m just so lost in emotions, I don’t even notice

I just slip into a place and I don’t think straight

Devil in my ear tryna tell me everything’s great

And in a year I realize I’m in the same place

Running in the same race same pace

Verse 1

Think about the words you ’bout to say before you say it

Sin is bittersweet I taste it, bittersweet I taste it

Get that sickness out my mouth

I feel like my train is derailin’

I can feel it

Yo these words are only words until they actions

Words until they actions strive on empty satisfactions

This ain’t all about appearance

Everything starts with the man in the mirror

Verse 2
Face it


“Notepad” is a song in which Nate uses perfect personification by writing a letter to his best friend: his notepad. His notepad was his best and truest friend, having been with him through the years and helping him cope with his emotions – inevitably bringing him to where he is today.

My Imagination and music is to me as Notepad is to NF. My Imagination was my safe space, where I go when am lonely, who I talk to when I need to accompanied by Music. I can rely on my imagination for help on things I don’ understand, we both discussed things together in order for me understand.

I had my Imagination as my best friend, we had big positive dreams about life that we are close to realizing before I had it corrupted by my feelings, what people thinks and allowing people in.

Now I can’t imagine without having people and their opinion in it. I miss my Imagination and companion in Music. It has always being us against the world and I want that back.


You and I, we’ve been through a lot together

And I look back and I just, uh, I appreciate all the times that…that we had together, you know?

I remember just goin’ down in my room and, you know, dealin’… tryna deal with some things

And you’ve always been there for that

Always, just me and you


You and I been best friends, ever since I was a young kid

Everything we did, where has time went?

Got a lot of years comin’ up ahead of us and ever since we met

I knew we’d get somewhere, but the fact is I ain’t really, I ain’t really know when

I don’t really know how either, but I can feel the goosebumps, my skin writin’

I’ve been waitin’ for the moment, you and I can make it happen

Lot of people thinkin’ we ain’t gonna make it rappin’

I ain’t got a problem with ’em though, they don’t even matter

We ain’t lookin’ for the people tryna say that we the baddest

No, I never liked that

Came a long way, never did it for the money

We ever make it big, I’ma give it to the family

Lookin’ back now everything is lookin’ funny

You and I in the room writin’, up late when the mood strikes us

We don’t care if they do like us

Verse 1

I made a lot of mistakes, you’ve been there for the whole thing

Help me with the drama

Tried to find who I was, bein’ everything I wasn’t, real life, yeah!

Got a lot of anger, you know where I’m at, put it all over the pages

Look at where we at now, we ain’t made it yet

But they can hear us in the background comin’

Some are gonna hate it, some are gonna love it

I’ma put it in His hands and let God do the judgin’, yeah

Remember me and you, always had you in the backpack

Took you into school writin’ on you like it’s nothin’, a lot of people in the room

See me scribble on a page but they ain’t got a clue, nah, they ain’t got a clue

We at the beginnin’

Hopin’ someday you and I can say we made it and we did it

Verse 2

You know what’s crazy is

This just started as somethin’ that was an escape for us, you know?

And now I look around and there’s a lot of people out there goin’ through the same things, you know, we’ve been through

Now this music we write is actually makin’ an impact, it’s crazy



In this song, NF talks about how he is stuck, or “Paralyzed” because as Christians we can let the world stop or paralyze us from doing what God has called us to do. We can fall into temptation, or trying to satisfy the world, and become paralyzed. Think of it as a long road. You start the day you give your life to Christ, and the end is Heaven.

In school, at work, and in everyday life, it can be hard to keep reaching people for God, and if you give in, you are paralyzed. NF is reaching out to God to show him who he is, and what he has called him to do.
This song was featured in an episode of VH1’s Black Ink Crew.


When did I become so numb?
When did I lose myself?
All the words that leave my tongue
Feel like they came from someone else

Verse 1

I’m paralyzed, where are my feelings?
I no longer feel things, I know I should
I’m paralyzed, where is the real me?
I’m lost and it kills me inside, I’m paralyzed


When did I become so cold?

When did I become ashamed? (Oh)

Where’s the person that I know?

They must have left, they must have left, with all of my faith

Verse 2

I’m paralyzed

I’m scared to live, but I’m scared to die

And if life is pain then I buried mine

A long time ago, but it’s still alive

And it’s takin’ over me, where am I?

I wanna feel somethin’, I’m numb inside

But I don’t feel nothin’, I wonder why?

I’m in the race of life and time passed by

Look, I sit back and I watch it

Hands in my pockets

Waves come crashin’ over me, but I just watch ’em

I just watch ’em

I’m underwater but I feel like I’m on top of it

I’m at the bottom but I don’t know what the problem is

I’m in a box, but I’m the one that locked me in

(I’m Paralyzed) Suffocatin’ and I’m runnin’ out of oxygen, ah!


(I’m just so paralyzed) I’m paralyzed

(Yeah, I’m just so paralyzed) Where are my feelings?

I no longer feel things (I have no feelings)

I know I should (Oh, how come I’m not moving? Why aren’t I moving?)

I’m paralyzed (Ay, yeah)

Where is the real me? (Where is the real me? Where is the real me?)

I’m lost and it kills me, (I’m paralyzed) inside (I’m paralyzed)

I’m paralyzed (I’m paralyzed)


I’ll Keep On

In the penultimate track of the album, NF illustrates the hope he has. After a myriad a emotional tracks explaining all of the problems he faces, “I’ll Keep On” (and its subsequent track) finally put all of his troubles in perspective—what he expects of the future. His faith in God allows him to “keep on” despite all of the trials he currently faces. Nate knows his Saviour is bigger than all of his problems.

This song is really the first glimpse we get of his faith in God, which enables him to get through all of the issues in his life (some of which he has described through the album so far). This allows him to keep persevering throughout troublesome times.

This song features vocals from Jeremiah Carlson, the lead singer of the CCM band ‘The Neverclaim’.


Oh these hands are tired

Oh this heart is tired

Oh this soul is tired

But I’ll keep on

I’ll keep on

I’ll keep on

I’ll keep on

I’ll keep on

I’ll keep on

Hook: Jeremiah Carlson

Faith is something I am not accustomed to

And trusting other people’s something I don’t really love to do

I’ve never been a fan of it, I act tougher

Really my shoulders they ain’t built for this and I don’t have nothing

It’s like I’m standing in the rain and you offer me a raincoat

But I would rather stand there and get wet than take the handout

What’s wrong with me? You said you’ve always got your hands out

And I cannot continue on my own, so take my hands now

I give you everything, God, not just a little bit

Take it from me, I am nothing but a hypocrite

I hate sin, but I built a house and I still live in it

Afraid to open up the door to You and let You into it

My soul is lost and what it needs is Your direction

I know, I’ve told You I do not need Your protection

But I lied to You, this thing is tiring

And man was not created for it, God

Please retire me now

Verse 1

Trust is something I am not accustomed to

And I know the Bible says I should always trust in You

But, I don’t never read that book enough

And when I have a question I don’t take the time to look it up

Or pick it up

It collects dust on my nightstand

I’m just being honest

Please take this outta my hands

I have no control – I am just a person

But thank the Lord that I serve a God that’s perfect

I do not deserve the opportunity You’ve given me

I never knew what freedom was until I learned what prison means

I am not ashamed, I don’t care if they remember me

My life will always have a hole, if You are not the centerpiece

Take me out of bondage, take all of my pride

If I don’t have a Savior, I don’t have nothing inside

Take all of my lust, take all of my lies

There’s no better feeling than when I look in the sky, in Your eyes

It’s amazing

Verse 2
I’ll keep on

Can You Hold Me

“Can You Hold Me” is the final song from the album Mansion where both NF and featured-vocalist Britt Nicole transparently display their need for comfort and wholeness. In a way, this song could be seen as an attempt for NF to escape the pains of his ‘mansion.’

Britt Nicole’s words here can be seen as an extension of what NF says. Although her identity is distinct from his in this song (meaning they each play different roles), the things each one of them conveys together represent all that (or much of what) NF feels and wants as it relates to the context of this song.

Leading up to this track, the majority of the album has been a description the spectrum of emotions NF feels and the myriad of problems he faces. The previous track “I’ll Keep On” broke away from this pattern and marked the point when he finally drew the connection between his life and his everlasting, unconditionally-loving God.

“Can You Hold Me” now serves as the second part of his relationship with God—the prayer aspect. His desire for security leads him to the beseeching we see here, something that was missing from the previous song (the only other song that directly deals with God on his album). So, compared to “I’ll Keep On”, this song is much more serious. Unlike that song, which is primarily concerned with Nate’s physical life, “Can You Hold Me” is about his spiritual life.

However, some have contended that the song does not reflect his spirituality, pointing to the possibility of a slightly different meaning concerning his desire for earthly relationships. Either way, “Can You Hold Me” is a powerful track that serves as a fitting ending to an emotional album.


It feels like a tear in my heart

Like a part of me missing

And I just can’t feel it

I’ve tried and I’ve tried

And I’ve tried

Intro: Britt Nicole

Tears on my face I can’t take it
If lonely is a taste then it’s all that I’m tasting
Do you hear my cry?
I cry, oh

Intro: NF

Can you hold me?

Can you hold me?

Can you hold me in your arms?

Chorus: Britt Nicole & NF

Just wrap me in your arms, in your arms

I don’t wanna be nowhere else

Take me from the dark, from the dark

I ain’t gonna make it myself

Put your arms around me

Put your arms around me

Let your love surround me

I am lost

I am lost

Verse 1

If I ain’t got you here

If I ain’t got you, I ain’t got nothing at all

Bridge: Britt Nicole & NF

Yeah, yeah

Yeah, I feel like it’s just me, like it’s just me

What it gon’ take? What it gon’ be?

I don’t even know

(It’s not just you)

But I’m lonely

Feeling like I don’t even know me, I don’t even know me

(I feel it too)

Gotta have you, gotta see you

(You’re the only thing I have to think about

The only one I that can’t live without)

I see you

(I need you, need you to hold me now)

Verse 2: NF & Britt Nicole
Can you hold me
Listen to the full Mansion Album Below
NF – Mansion

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