Hidden Strike


Hidden Strike
Hidden Strike Cover

The best thing an the most fun part about a Jackie Chan movie is the end, when they show us the blobs. This part would make you laugh harder than you did in the actual movie. It is the same in Hidden Strike an this time around the stunts were not much as we all know The greatest stunt man or “Big Uncle” as he is called is not as he used to be and from what we learnt from “Ride On” he is leaving stunts gradually. Which we would all miss.

Lets get back to the review, Hidden Strike is a movie a directed by Scott Waugh and stars Jackie Chan, John Cena, Pilou Asbaek, Chunrui Ma among others. The movie is about a group of chinese soldiers Lead by Dragon Lou (Jackie Chan), sent to evacuate some engineers trapped in an oil rig located in an arab dessert. But was ambushed on the Highway of Death by some machineries who kidnapped engineers team lead and her son in other to pull the biggest oil heist.

Hidden Strike
Highway of Death

Hidden Strike was blended mix of both action and comedy, the interactions and relationship between Chris (John Cena) and Dragon is Comic at best. Other things i have been noticing in most Jackie Chan’s movie is the relationship between his character and his daughter and its always the same story of he abandoned his family to pursue his career or serve his country and his wife died while he was away. Is there a story there? Maybe a journalist somewhere would let us know.

Hidden Strike
Dragon and his Daughter

Back to the movie, anyone is familiar with Big Uncle’s movie would know how original his stunts and fight scenes are, and this can be noticed with how stable the camera’s are as these are the highlights of his movies. It is slightly the same the same here as his movement in climbing and moving around but there is slight camera movement when he is fighting. Hidden Strike is an amazing movie with a perfect color, costume, acting, story, lines.

Hidden Strike is Solid 8/10 for me and a must watch for all Movie Lovers out there.

Watch the trailer here

Hidden Strike Trailer on Youtube

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