What if...?

Marvel’s What If…?

What if...?
Marvel’s What if…?

“TIME! SPACE!! REALITY!!!. It is more than a linear path. It is a prison room of endless possibilities, where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. I am the WATCHER; I am your guide through these vast new realities; follow me and ponder the question. WHAT IF…?”

The Watcher
What if...?
The Watcher (voiced by Jeffrey Wright) in Marvel Studios’ WHAT IF…? exclusively on Disney+. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Wow! Wow!! Wow!!!, whenever I hear this words being said in that husky voice, I get the jitters, goose bumps and a rush of adrenaline that makes me want to a superhero with a hammer and a shield surrounded by lightning. Maybe in another alternate reality. **smiles**

Welcome to my stable of alternate realities. If you are a marvel fan, then you are about to agree with me that this wonderful series is the next best thing coming out of marvel MCU since End Game.

This series to me gives a vast insight into what life is and for those who are into alternate verses, it gives a new perspective about the galaxy, universe and realities.

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This series is an answer to the silent pondering of some fans with the question “WHAT IF…?”. It is a different storyline from the one we are all used to from the major moments in the MCU films.

And according the narrator, each episode is born from a choice made in differently from the one we are used to in our reality. What if Steve Rodgers never got the serum? What if Tchalla wondered out from Wakanda and was kidnapped as a boy by an alien ship? What if Dr. Strange never lost his hands and feet in that accident but lost his heart?

What if wasp’s father came back from the quantum realm a different specie? What if the heroes where to be murdered? What if killmonger rescued Tony Stark and he never became Iron Man? What if Thor was to be raised an only child and Loki raised in with his people? What if Ultron won? Would the Watcher break his oath in order to save humanity?  These are the pondering what if’s the series sheds light on. So let’s follow the Watcher as he guides through this new vast realities.

What if...?
The Guardians of the Multiverse

I will be discussing the possibilities of this MCU series in each episodes. Don’t forget to follow up!!!

Watch the Trailer Here

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