
Barrylane, the new Kendrick Lamar?


Ogunlana Oluwasegun Obaro, popularly known as BarryLane is an upcoming hip hop rapper that is fast growing in Nigeria’s music industry. He is a Lagosian from the hood of Ajegunle in Lagos State, Nigeria.


His shine into the industry came in 2018 when he won the Hennessy Artistry VS Class cypher which featured other artists like Psycho YP, Alpha Ojini, Legendary Styles and more. This win has very much helped him improve as a rapper and its benefits have been forthcoming in his music career.

The young artiste started his rap career at the age of twelve(12) were he goes out with friends for street rap battles and freestyles. That is what is known as been a true hustler from a very young age and this has proved to be the best way for him to practice and improve on his talent. What a true lasgidi lad!!

Barylane has always been a lover of hardcore Hip-Hop/Rap with the likes of Notorious BIG, DMX and Snoop Dogg as his look up to, this legendary Hip-Hop artistes has helped inspire and shape up his rapping skills given him the courage to explore energetic form of art. Listening to his music, one will be amazed as how identical his voice and style is to that of Kendrick Lamar, punch lines of that of Eminem and a poetic rhythm as that of Kanye West as this are one of his current best rappers in the game.

From my point of view, BarryLane is a very intelligent rapper with a very good punch delivery, lyrics rhythm and little word play which have helped him in switching into different patterns or mimicking his idols perfectly when dropping his lines. Barry has a way producing fire vibes and thus beautifying any beat he spits to because of his dynamic pattern of word play and rhythm delivery. This is a talent Hennessey won’t be forgetting.

I hope he doesn’t loose his dynamism and his wonderful lyrically redefined bars but break unto the top stage of the game. He is a talent I know can redefine the rap/Hip-Hop industry in Nigeria. I recommend keeping a very close eye and follow this rare gem closely. Check out his single 3AM on spotify

Follow him and instagram @therealbarrylane

Barrylane at #Showoff Radio – Aktivated

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