Music Characters that had Terrible Lives

Music Characters that had Terrible Lives


The world, with all its beauty and wonder, often reveals a side that is chilling in its cruelty. Music Characters that had Terrible Lives is a journey through the souls behind the melodies, the stories of characters whose lives were marked by tragedy, hardship, and unfulfilled dreams. This songs are laced with sorrows, each one a testament to the battles people go through around us.

Shinaya (See World – J. Cole)

See World by J. Cole

A 5 year old Shinaya went missing and her body was found along the road. Her father was charged with prostituting her. Another man was caught in camera taking the girl into a hotel before her body was found in a bad state.

What a life we live in, prostituting your 5 year old daughter and doing disgusting things to a 5 year old, all in the name of pleasure.

I hope the perpetrators find hell in it’s worse state.

Kelly (Take me away – Flawless ft Vchenay)

Take me away by Flawless

Kelly was a girl who got bullied at school and lost her family to divorce which made her had to stay with her mum. Her mum got a new man and he was a pedophile. Kelly was molested by him every night till she got pregnant.

She has no one to talk to as her mum doesn’t believe her and she had to get herself expelled from school to stop the bullying. She ended up committing suicide and the mum’s boyfriend got arrested for he crime but got released as there is no one to testify against him.

Kelly really had a shitty life, hope she find peace and happiness in death.

Lil Nigga (Lil Nigga – Ace Hood)

Lil Nigga by Ace Hood

Lil Nigga a smart young boy with big hopes, who grew up in the hood and all he ever wanted was to live but life had a different plan for him. Mom struggling to make ends meet, bills pulling up and all, which made Lil nigga decided to help. He started dealing to make cash till he got deep in the game and had to join a gang to stay afloat and he ended up with a bullet in his head.

Hope the Universe treats him right in death and in his next life (if there is one).

Lesley (Lesley – Dave ft Ruella)

Dave ft Ruella – Lesley

Lesley is a young Lady Dave met on the train. She had no real family but a manipulating cheating boyfriend who had put her through a lot and one day she decided to end the relationship based on her best friend idea and advice.

After the breakup she noticed she is pregnant for him and all the remaining bricks to her wall came crashing down. She is confused and don’t know what to do, she can’t take care of herself let alone with a baby.

On a faithful day, after her ultrasound appointment, she decided to let the douche bag know of his baby. She left a message to her best friend telling her about her idea. On getting to his place, she opened the door and went in, to find a size 6 shoe and noises coming from the bedroom!!

She lost it and headed for the bedroom screaming at him, they heard her and the guy told his companion to hide in the closer, while he sort things out. She accused him and asked him to bring his companion out, he tried gaslighting her while stopping her from going in, and they struggled a bit till an accident occured.

The police and response team came over and while helping her, a phone was found and the last voice note received was played. It was the voice note she sent to her best friend on her way there.

What a life for Lesley, hope she survives and get to have better people in her life.

Brenda (Brenda’ got a baby – TuPac)

Brenda’s got a baby

Brenda was another victim of a pedophile, but this pedophile was her uncle (what a demon). He kept on sleeping with with his very young niece until she got pregnant.

She was scared to tell anybody as no one will believe her. She kept her secret to herself till she ran away from home. She gave birth to the child and now, young Brenda have to fend for her baby in this ruthless, terrible World.

I hope the Universe protect her and she gets a better life for herself and her baby.

Bisi (Bisi: Protect a Child – Black Sauce)

Bisi: Protect a Child by Black Sauce

Bisi was a young expressive girl who was assaulted by the gateman. The gateman’s premeditated action of assaulting young Bisi was on the base that she was too expressive in her dressing.

The gate man targeted her on the day no one was at home except her, Bisi was in the kitchen preparing launch when the gateman came in and was acting funny which made Bisi uncomfortable. She tried to stop but he kept pushing as he had made up his mind to force his way and Bisi had no choice but to defend herself by using the kitchen knife with her in stabbing the gateman in the neck.

He died and Bisis didn’t know what to do, than to throw herself off the upper floor of the building.

There is a lot of question as to why she threw herself off a building when she is the victim, would they believe her if she explained to her guardians, She was traumatized and didn’t know what to do.

We really need to protect and listen to our children as their are crazy people around us.

Kage (Kage Story – LaRussell)

LaRussel – Kage Story

Kage is a young man who has a dream of becoming a rapper, but is faced with a mountain of problems. Poor background, debt everywhere, a douchebag father, unsupportive family, a heavy load of responsibility of taking care of the family, a dangerous neighbourhood.

He hangs out in his friend’s place who is also working towards being a rapper but with different circumstances just to escape but the mountains keep crushing him. Had to survive in the hood as had to get a gun to protect himself and his loved ones, which landed him juvy ( juvenile correctional facilities) a couple of times. The environment had made him a different person, it had made him into someone he never wanted to be, something he dislike.

But different from the other souls in this list, he made it out, and got a degree. He made a promise to himself not to go back to that neighbourhood and Life.

A lot of people are going through a lot, and those around them are overlooking their pains and all they do is judge them. Let’s stop judging people until we are in their shoes, and I know once we are their shoes we won’t be able to judge.

Let’s genuinely check up on our loved ones, and take extra care to the young ones. There are lots of demons walking around disguised as sheeps with a smile on their faces and all they do is destroy.

Let these stories and experiences teach us and serve as a guide for us all.

Click here to listen to a well curated playlist with these songs and more with stories like these.

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