The Soundtrack Lullaby

My Strong Feeling to a Soundtrack Lullaby

The Soundtrack Lullaby
Only Murder in the Building

It’s been a while since soundtrack music got stuck in my head. The last I remembered was the orchestra from the movie “The Upside” starring Kelvin Hart. But this particular soundtrack is a lullaby from the series “Only murderers in the building” starring Selena Gomez. And no, she was the one who sang the lullaby.

I used to fall asleep listening to songs, but sometimes out of anger, sadness, or some other feeling/emotion but, for a while I lost the urge to enjoy music of any sort. All music was to me is a lesser evil to the noise around me, so I made it a tool to drown out other noises.

In a long time I haven’t felt calm, open, or free from my own mind. I haven’t really been this happy for nothing. But listening to this Lullaby opened a door inside me, or lifted something from me. It makes me really calm.

I ran to Spotify searching for it, liked the song, and put it on replay. I took my bath listening to that song over and over again, and every time I felt free. A song from Arman Dudek was the last to make me this calm and I made it a ritual listening to it every morning for years.

Now I have this this lullaby, to be my wave, my sound of chipping birds, my sound of baby laughter. I have been enchanted and I don’t see any prince charming to kiss the enchantment away.

What a calming sound, a soothing lullaby, a beautiful lyric and the soundtrack lullaby is “Look for the Light” by casts Meryl Streep and Ashley Park from the series “Only murderers in the building” S3 E3.

The Soundtrack Lullaby
Meryl Streep and Ashley Park singing “Look for the Light”

So, this is not just me writing out my feelings but also me recommending you a wonderful murder podcast tv series and a lullaby for you and your kids. Hope you get enchanted like I did.

Watch the lullaby performance on our Youtube channel.

Listen to the song here

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