
Sugar: A Series Deeply Wrapped in Mystery


Sugar is an American mystery drama television series created by Mark Protosevich, it premiered on Apple TV+ on April 5, 2024. The series stars Colin Farrell as John Sugar, who also serves as executive producer. The series boasts of an amazing cast list in Amy Ryan, Sydney Chandler, Dennis Boutsikaris, James Cromwell, Kirby Howell-Baptiste and Paula Andrea Placido among others.

The series follows a Private detective John Sugar investigates the disappearance of Olivia Siegel, the beloved granddaughter of Hollywood producer Jonathan Siegel. As Sugar tries to determine what happened to Olivia, he unearths Siegel family secrets, old and new. But that was not all the series was all about.

Despite its captivating elements, the series leaves some questions unanswered and starts off with a slow pace that might test viewers’ patience. But rewards the viewers who can go past the taunting and testing early scenes with wonderful mysteries, secret and storyline.

Sugar portrayed nothing but a good Drama from the first episodes about a Private Investigator obsessed with his current case because of his past. But Sugar’s strange confidence in the face of danger was a subtle way of explaining the Sci-fi aspect of the Drama.

One of the show’s strengths lies in its character development. The interactions between the detective and the various individuals involved in the case are compelling, offering glimpses into the complexities of their lives and motivations. Dennis Boutsikaris, Kirby Howell-Baptiste, and Alex Hernandez each bring their characters to life with authenticity and nuance, enriching the overall narrative.


The plot moves in ways you don’t expect, the old movie flashbacks are wonderful, and the little side-jokes and black humor incidents keep you ready for the next one. The series seems like chaos as it started slow then moved to outright confusion and buck loads of mystery but all these made the series a beautiful chaos. Amidst the chaos is a beautiful story, wonderful acting, perfect production and an amazing picture.

Sugar is not without its flaws. The series begins at a slow pace, which might make it difficult for some viewers to become fully engaged from the outset. The early episodes focus heavily on setting up the plot and characters, resulting in a sluggish start that lacks immediate intrigue. Once the story gains momentum, it becomes more engrossing, but the initial pacing could be a barrier for some.

Additionally, while the series builds up a compelling mystery, it ultimately leaves several questions unanswered. The enigmatic nature of the plot, while intriguing, also results in some unresolved threads by the conclusion. This can be frustrating for viewers who prefer clear resolutions and satisfying conclusions.

Despite these flaws, Sugar has moments of brilliance that make it worth watching. The performances are consistently strong, and the character-driven narrative provides a rich exploration of personal demons and moral complexities. The atmosphere and visual style create an immersive experience that draws viewers into the dark underbelly of Hollywood.

In conclusion, I very much hope Sugar doesn’t get ruined or canceled but gives the wonderful, intriguing and chaotic storyline the series is capable of. This is a show you need to pay attention to every minute of it or you’ll get lost. If you’re into thrillers and dramas that are unique, you’ll definitely dig this show.

Watch the trailer here

Sugar Official Trailer

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