Alpha playlist

The Alpha Playlist

Alpha playlist
The Alpha

It’s been said that it takes a demon to defeat a demon. This is what this playlist is about for me; these are songs that make me feel strong enough for my demons. Listening to the Alpha Playlist really makes me feel like an Alpha Wolf and all I have to do is howl and a strong pack of strength comes around, ready to defeat whatever demon I am facing.

This may seem crazy and all fantasy, but fantasy is a quite home and fortress where I can hide, retreat to, where I can freely strategize and feel safe from them all. These songs is like coming across a WMD that gives me the upper hand in war, but this WMD is the strength of an Alpha Demon Wolf. He is strong, fast, fearless, commanding, dominating, fire spiting and ready for victory.

Some of these songs are selected based on the high tempo beat, some based on title, some based on lyrics.

For my Bull strength builders this is an excellent playlist to pump and push you for that high power workout motivation. Have this in your ear, welcome the Alpha and break that barrier.

I hope there is someone or some people out there who will feel the same about this playlist.

The comment section is open, drop that song you feel should be in this playlist and I will take a look and add it.

Alpha Playlist
Beast Unleashed

Below is a list of some of the songs: (P.S: the playlist is constantly updated and more added everyday.)

She Wolf – David Guetta

The Fall of Earth – Anonymous

King of the Jungle – Vin Jay

Feel Nothing – The Plot in You

Beast Unleashed – Vin Jay

King of the Jungle – Vin Jay

Kumbaya – Hopsin

Shot me Down – David Guetta

Release the Kraken – Damien

Retcon – Dylan Andre

Beast – Southpaw remix

Arise – The Siege

Ragnar Lothbrok (path to Valhalla) – Dezzmo

Flawless – Tris

Spaz out – Army of Pharaoh

Drop – Vin Jay

Do or Die – A-connection

Welcome to the war – 7kingz

My World Now – 7kingz

See the playlist here

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