


Warrior is an American Martial Arts crime drama television series that premiered on April 5, 2019, on Cinemax. It is based on an original concept and treatment by Bruce Lee, and is executive-produced by his daughter, Shannon Lee.

The series is set in late 1870 during the Tong Wars in Chinatown San Francisco. Thousands of Chinese shipping into America to get a better life and live the American Dream. But Chinatown is divided into three, The tongs ruling Chinatown, the Anti-Chinese factions, Construction moguls using the chinese as cheap labour and making bulks off them and those who are Switzerland like Bill O’Hara, Richard Lee (whom are in the police force), Ah Toy (a brothel owner trying to safe chinese girls from been mistreated) and the chinese businessman Wang Chao.

Ah Toy

The series follows Ah Sahm, a martial arts prodigy who emigrates from China in search of his sister Mai Ling, only to be sold to one of the most powerful tongs in Chinatown. With his fighting skills he, in no time began loved by the Tong leaders son Young Jun.

See also: Altered Carbon

Ah Sahm became not just Hop wei best fighter but the peoples warrior and he became even fond off by some of the locals. mostly due to his versatility in the fluently speaking english.

But unfortunately for Ah Sahm, the sister he came looking for has become the head of the rival tong and in her desperation for power, she is working with the other side to take out the Hop wei and most of the people as collateral damages.

Hop Wei

It became very clear to him his sister has chosen ambition over him when in a one on one fight match between the tongs best fighters in other to stale the rout and keep peace, where he fought the legendary Li Yong of the Long Zii. She ordered Li Yong to kill him but was saved by the police raid.

See also: Gangs of London

The fight between Ah Sahm and Li Yong was beautiful one, it was legendary, with Li Yong displaying fighting skill, speed and precision while Ah Sahm’s eagerness and resilience failed him. The fight is a one to watch, felt like watching a real UFC fight but more interesting.

Ah Sahm and Li Yong Arena Fight

The series is a very interesting one, and the outstanding part for me is the language representation. It was confusing at first for me but later became one of the intelligent thing I have seen in movies. Language representation like that has always been used in movies but this felt different and accommodating to me.

Watch trailer here

Warrior Trailer

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