Good on Paper

Good on Paper: When do you start taking Red Flags Serious?

Good on Paper
Good on Paper

First thought I have about this movie right from the trailer was sh!t, this is another Tinder Swindler, although it doesn’t seem to follow the same idea as this is a Romantic Comedy. This is another crazy movie that enlightens us about Gaslighting, Relationship or Love Con and what not.

Red flags have always been a powerful crystal ball🔮 into what’s to come in a relationship, when we pay real attention to them and act quickly.

A good question this movie “Good on Paper” seem to put into my mind is when do you pay attention or act on the Red flags, should you give chances or second chances to confirm if you’re right with the flags that have been discovered?

If he/she checks all of your boxes, check again.

Good on Paper

I could understand Tinder Swindler, he happened to con the women out of lots of money and all that, but “Good on Paper’ seems to be more dangerous. Although his end game might be money, but he seems to con out a lot more than money.

He used emotional con as his manual weapon and this is on another level as it’s more dangerous than other method used by con artists. This method leaves the victims broken and am not talking about financially, debt or heart break which is mostly what they leave in there wake. But am talking about breaking the soul, in which most don’t recover from.

I recommend everyone to see this movie as it gifts a lot to it’s viewers (Comedy wise and Intellectually).

This movie is based on a true story though and if you are even in for more emotional blockbusters and con check out THE TINDER SWINDLER.

Watch Trailer Here

Netflix – Good on Paper

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